Why I Almost Abandoned My Effort to Bring Light and Turn Down the Heat on Guns (Light Over Heat #49)

What was supposed to be a brief hiatus from my “Light Over Heat” YouTube channel almost became permanent. This video explains why.

A lot of it had to do with my feeling like I was talking into a void, and a lot of that feeling had to do with negative responses I have been receiving to the proposal for my book, Gun Curious: A Journey into America’s Evolving Culture of Firearms.

In this video I read from some of those responses so you can get an idea of the uphill battle I am fighting to publish a book that tries to turn down the heat on the great gun debates in America and occupy the vast but (I now realize) lonely middle ground.

If I have given you some value and you would like to support my work, please surf over to my “Light Over Heat” YouTube channel and SUBSCRIBE to follow. You can also RING THE BELL to receive notifications, and SHARE so others can learn about this work.

Published by David Yamane

Sociologist at Wake Forest U, student of gun culture, tennis player, racket stringer (MRT), whisk(e)y drinker, bow-tie wearer, father, husband. Not necessarily in that order.

7 thoughts on “Why I Almost Abandoned My Effort to Bring Light and Turn Down the Heat on Guns (Light Over Heat #49)

  1. David, did you ask for any “friendly” reviews before you sent it out to the publishers. Sounds to me like you got rat-***ked by reviewers who were hopeless anti-gun ideologues from the quotes in your podcast. But could you get another sociologist like Jennifer or someone you normally work with to take a look?

    My wife Meena, who taught English at a community college, for 20 years, sometimes finds stuff in my writing that isn’t what I meant but could put off readers. I’m not trying to add to your frustration but wonder if a review by someone like Carlson would help. Unless you already did that.

    I’m reading Ryan Busse’s book right now and at times he has a way of saying stuff that makes my hair catch fire, even though I am generally sympathetic to some of his criticisms of the gun industry. But I’ll read it to the finish line. If I had reviewed his book, I would have toned some of it down. I’ve read Adam Winkler’s “Gunfight” and some of Jake Charles and his colleague’s work and although it is somewhat critical, it is sound and objective so one just has to agree or disagree, but not get one’s head exploding.

    I can’t imagine you being that off base in your book but I’ve not seen it and a few times in your podcasts, when you justifiably tell people that 99.999% of us never cross paths with evil, I can see some on the other team sputtering. Just because…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Don’t give up the ship! You will get what you get if you keep submitting your book to these triggered intellectuals whose depth of knowledge stops with “Anybody who likes guns is a baby killer.” Your work appeals to those in the middle – but if the middle doesn’t see it, it can’t gain any traction. Don’t let the bastards wear you down!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I would buy your book as soon as it comes out. I should note that I am a fiercely liberal, both politically and socially, gun owner. The notion that “liberals” are all absolutely anti-gun, is quite inaccurate. I am a meditation instructor but I’m also certified as a firearms instructor and I do teach basics to friends and family at no charge. I find a number of my liberal friends reaching out to me for instruction to avoid the hateful rhetoric that they often encounter at the gun ranges where classes are taught. The divisiveness is a terrible shame. Your work is very thoughtful, well researched, and informative, and I do hope that you continue.

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